Tāku pikitia

Kiora ki ngā tangata e titiro tēnei(Hello to whoever is looking at his)

Ko tāku mea ko te pikitia Whero(mine us the red one the second one is the original)Ko te mea tuarua ko te original

The original one is called My identity it was created by EI seed the location were it was created was Tunisia

Kimi Pikitia

Kiora koutou mā o te AO

Ko tēnei tētahi pikitia i mahia e au

kua mahi koe i ētahi o ēnei?

Tēnā koe ngā tangata e mahia i ngā Pikitia

Nā Tekonoha




Tēnā kotou mā e pānui ana tēnei

kua haere ana koe ki te Koroneihana?mēnā kāore anō kia haere ana koe kia haere, ā, me Turangawaewae to marae

puna:Nā TeKonoha, Te Kura Amorangi o Whakawatea